紐西蘭中學 Rangitoto College│Course App留學、遊學、優質代辦服務

Rangitoto College
Day School
關於 Rangitoto College

紐西蘭最大的中學─Rangitoto中學─有超過三千名的 學生,男女生兼收,年齡從13到19歲 (9至13年級)。國際學生占學生人數比例不到10%。

Rangitoto的國際學生樂於接受頂尖學術環境的挑戰。也受惠於一個陣容堅強的照護網絡,能對於學生所有擔心或顧慮提供協助。抵達時的新生入學計畫能幫助學生很快地融入學校生活。學校也提供許多參加各種運動、彈奏音樂及加入許多不同活動的機會,豐富了在 Rangitoto中學的生活。



• -現代化的教室
• -圖書館及資訊中心有專闢給高年級學生使用的學習及讀書室
• -開放給所有學生的電腦設備
• -禮堂
• -符合奧林匹克標準、適合全天候使用的曲棍球草皮球場
• -三間室內體育館及一間重量訓練室
• -附有物理、化學、生物與電子學科專用實驗室的科學大樓
• -設有電視及電影攝影棚和戲劇室的英語大樓
• -闢有練習及表演空間的音樂大樓
• -全天候的運動田徑場
• -橄欖球、板球、足球及其他休閒活動均可使用的寬敞運動場地
• -一個大型、現代的游泳池
• -以及位於學校旁邊的運動中心




Welcome to the Commerce Department!  Commerce in an integral part of the world around us.  Our vision is for students in the Commerce Department to become financially and economically literate, technologically driven, enterprising and globally aware.

Design & Visual Communication (DVC)

Design and Visual Communication (DVC) is an area of learning within the New Zealand Curriculum, where students learn about design, develop their practice of designing, and develop their design thinking in the context of spatial and product design. Design, designing and design thinking is explored and expressed through visual communication and is informed by design heritage.


English is an exciting subject which gives us not only a better understanding of our own society, but also connects us to a world of ideas – to the past, to an imagined future, and to other places and cultures. At every moment of every day, new films and television programmes are being made, new novels, poems and articles are being written, and new plays constructed. The subject of English enables students to interpret the world around them from academic and critical points of view.


English for Speakers of Other Languages is a subject that provides students with pathways to English literacy for NCEA and university entrance.

Health and Physical Education

The Rangitoto College Health and Physical Education Department are committed to providing you with a positive learning experience in this learning area.


Languages are used for business and for pleasure. They open up an avenue for communication and exploration. The study of Languages promotes, encourages and instills a broader cultural understanding.

At Rangitoto College we offer a choice of Te Reo Māori, French, Japanese, Mandarin and Spanish. All languages are available for study from Year 9 through to Year 13. Mandarin is only available in Year 13. 


The Mathematics department at Rangitoto College has the objective of ensuring that all our students leave school with at least the required qualifications needed for entrance to University. We employ highly qualified teaching staff that includes specialists in both Statistics and Calculus.

Performing Arts

Click here for the full Performing Arts website.


At the core of Science is its ability to help us understand the world we live in and to make it better. We want students to develop the skills with hands on activities and experiments to understand that process. 

Senior Courses: Year 11 - 13


Social Sciences

The Social Sciences prepare you for the world! – in all its aspects. You will get the most out of our wonderful world if you understand its diversity, its development, its issues and its humanity.



Rangitoto College is proud of it's sporting history and the many student athletes it has nurtured throughout their time here. We do our best to provide a high standard of coaching and support to our ahtletes and in return we expect full effort and commitment.


Targeted Programmes

Targeted programmes are extra subject options that the students can make to suit their learning requirements.



“Technology is intervention by design”:  the use of practical and intellectual resources to develop products and systems”.


Visual Arts



School Address
Rangitoto College