英國中學 Wellington College│Course App留學、遊學、優質代辦服務

Wellington College
Day School & Boarding School
關於 Wellington College

Wellington College是一所獨一無二的學校. 許多人將重點放在考試結果上, 並把排名視為成功的主要標準,而學校的整體精神則集中在每一個學生各自獨有的個性來發展不同的潛力. 對學校來說教育是要激發孩子們個人特質, 那麼僅僅在課業上A和A *等級的成績是不夠的. 最重要的是學校激勵和支持學生,使他們能夠以全方位的發展來表現自己. 在自主與開心的學習環境之下自然而然就有優異的成績,正如我們學生出色的A Level,IB和GCSE的結果清楚地證明了這一點.

學院成立於1853年, 紀念惠靈頓公爵, 旨在為所有學生提供鼓舞人心的教育. 隨著學校的發展與定位,  目標在於開啟學生求知欲, 真正的獨立性, 慷慨而深遠的包容性以及勇於成為無私的人. 惠靈頓學院坐落在Berkshire綠樹成蔭的400英畝美麗校園中,距倫敦市中心一小時, 距希思羅機場僅40分鐘路程. 惠靈頓的課程充滿活力與豐富的內容, 並且創立開創性的哲學與思考課程,提倡學生的身心培養. 惠靈頓已成為全國知名的課程開發中心. 我們學生亮眼的考試成績和大學升學表現是眾所矚目的.



Third Form (Year 9)

  • A core of Maths, English and Science (Biology, Chemistry & Physics)
  • A carousel of Humanities (Geography, History and Philosophy & Religion)
  • Two Modern Languages (chosen by the pupil from French, German, Spanish, Mandarin and Russian)
  • A Classical subject (either Latin, Greek & Latin, or Ancient History depending on prior experience, ability and pupil choice)
  • Three practical/creative subjects (chosen by the pupil from from Art, Computer Science, Dance, Drama, Design Engineering & Technology, Music and PE)
  • Wellbeing – an essential element of the College’s philosophy, encouraging them to reflect on their own personal, social, emotional and intellectual development
  • Lab Time – one hour per week promoting ICT competency, research and referencing skills and independent learning.

Fourth & Fifth Forms

  • Maths
  • English (Language and Literature)
  • Biology, chemistry and physics (taken as three separate subjects or Double Award)
  • At least one Language (ancient or modern, from French, German, Spanish, Mandarin, Russian, Latin, or Greek & Latin)
  • At least one Humanities subject (from Geography, History, Ancient History, and Philosophy & Religion)
  • In addition pupils choose two or three further subjects depending on whether they opt for biology, chemistry and physics taken as three separate subjects or Double Award. They can choose further languages or Humanities subjects, or from a range of options which includes Art, Art Textiles, Computer Science, Dance, Design Engineering, Drama, Music, Physical Education, and Photography.
  • Wellbeing
  • Lab Time – to allow pupils to complete an Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) Level 2

Sixth Form

Pupils choose between A Levels and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP).



學校共有17間宿舍,每間配有一位舍監和輔導老師們, 負責照顧宿舍內各個年級的學生. 舍監每天都會關心宿舍內的學生, 並且與學生家長有密切的聯繫. 輔導老師會定期與學生以小組或一對一的方式作課業的輔導. 入學時,所有新生將會有學長姐分派為"夥伴",以幫助新生在最初的幾周和幾個月裡習慣校園生活. 

School Address
Crowthorne, Berkshire, RG45 7PU